Our Neighborhood Orchard: Transforming a vacant lot into a sustainable neighborhood amenity with educational opportunities and a focus on community engagement

Located at the corner of Caledonia Place and Hill Street, the Dubuque Trees Forever Neighborhood Orchard is a sustainable project that transforms a previously mowed-grass vacant lot in the heart of our community into a useful, neighborhood orchard that will provide:

  • free, fresh fruit for neighbors in an area that is currently a food desert 

  • a respite area for walks and enjoyment of nature

  • opportunities for community engagement as we plant and care for the area  

  • educational opportunities for students and the community  

  • a pollinator garden to bring beneficial insects like bees, butterflies and birds to help our trees and the surrounding area through a collaboration with Dubuque County Mowing to Monarchs 

  • an example of pesticide-free fruit production

  • nesting boxes and butterfly boxes that will involve woodworkers and youth

  • a walking path and benches to increase enjoyment of visitors

  • native ground cover to eliminate the need for mowing

Our certified arborists and Master Gardeners will develop and lead the planting and care plan and reach out to the community for input and assistance. The first 3 years will be critical to care and maintenance.  

This project will include a wide variety of community engagement opportunities.  We will need volunteers for many activities including:

  • Planting and caring for our trees and pollinator plants

  • Keeping the site free of weeds and trash

  • Developing the paths

  • Building benches, butterfly boxes, bird houses, stepping stones

  • Harvesting fruit

  • Inviting friends and neighbors to participate


Interested in helping with the orchard?

Sign up for volunteer opportunities from planting and pruning to woodworking and landscaping, make a donation, or become a sponsor to support our work!